Where to begin! I have learned so many new ways of integrating technology in my future class.
Other things I learned where how to create my own blog and website. This was exciting for me since it was something I have personally wanted to learn for awhile. I'm glad I got the basics down since this is something I would like to incorporate in my future class. It's an excellent way to not only communicate with my students outside of the classroom, but also with parents especially those who I might not always be able to contact on a daily basis.
Another great tool I was in introduced to was Google Drive. I had heard of it before but never really paid attention to it. I'm glad I was exposed to this now since I have used it regularly to save not only class assignments but personal documents. Also, I learned how to use different presentation software such as, Google Presentations & Prezi.
Overall, it was a great experience for me to have gained so much knowledge in technology in just 10 weeks! I hope to continue to expand my knowledge in this area more in the future.